Thursday, January 03, 2008

D-Squared in Big Bug Station Just Jawing

For get a bout the opal trip. Never happened cause I am going deaf and never heard the knock and we forgot to exchange phone numbers...DUH. Next time...

I got to have a good visit with Deb, one part of the couple that is D-Squared. Dan is the other so of course the two Ds make D- Squared I am guessing. Photo to left is by Bart Nagel, anyway Deb is a great sculpter, her work is at the Glendale, AZ Library. Don told me the other day that the butt part of the sculpture is his very own sweet cheeks. I noticed Deb in all sortsof odd ball positions with her camera taking close up shots of some of the unusual items always on display and for sale at Big Bug Station. She is having great fun playing with the images graphically and seeing amazing art in the upclose and partial pix of the most unusal things. She is a study in an "Artist at Work." I wish I had my camera to take shots of her taking shots. Fun to watch. Today we spoke of her art and my opal mining.

Two days ago I was talking to a "killer killer,' another Don who frequents Big Bug Station in Mayer, AZ, about his hunting predators. And today the conversation was of hunting Deb's images.

Then Mike, our host, slapped some Mayer onyx slabs down next to my coffee cup on the old western bar. Good looking onyx. But then I never saw a rock I didn't like.Always something wild and wonderful goin' on in sleepy little Mayer, AZ. my new hometown.